Duck breast with orange sauce

In this recipe, you will learn how to cook duck breast most delicious. It is no secret for many cooks that in order to prepare a duck, you need to attach a lot of work, but this recipe greatly simplifies cooking. By the way, the sauce used in this recipe is only suitable for duck meat. As an exception, it can be used with fish.


Duck breast – 1 pc.

Orange juice – 300 ml (2 orange)

Butter – 30 g.

Reed sugar to your taste

Duck breast preparation recipe

We make a notch from the outside of the breast. You should get a lattice pattern. Salt and pepper breast to taste.

We fry duck breast on the grill for 6-8 minutes, it may take a little more time.

Now prepare the sauce. To do this, squeeze the juice from oranges and chop the zest.

Cook orange juice along with zest to thicken, it is best to cook in voca. You can also add reed sugar to your taste.

Add 30 grams of butter to the sauce. Add oil at the moment when more than half of the juice has already evaporated.

Putting to the table, cut the breast with slices. Chop the best across the fibers, obliquely.

It is also unforgettable to water the duck with sauce, or you can serve it separately.

Enjoy your meal!

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