Ginger tea recipes

White root, horned root or simply ginger. No, this is not a listing of magical potions from the new book about Harry Potter – these are all different names of the same plant known to everyone – ginger root. The healing properties of this plant have been known for a very long time. The abundance of essential oils and essential amino acids, as well as the vitamins A and C so necessary for the body, make ginger a truly unique ingredient, which can emphasize and add subtle charm to a huge number of recipes.

According to scientists, ginger helps to improve memory, normalize digestion, as well as the treatment of liver, increase appetite and strengthen male potency. And this is far from a complete list of useful properties of the white root.

In order to achieve the designated effect, it is necessary to learn how to use ginger correctly. As a rule, this plant is added as one of the ingredients to various dishes or becomes the basis for the preparation of special tea. Without trying to embrace immensely, today we will tell you about how to brew ginger tea, and also dwell on some features of this procedure.

Ginger tea and recipes for its preparation

Today, many people know about how to cook ginger tea with honey. Therefore, in this article we decided to specifically leave all the most popular recipes behind brackets, concentrating our attention precisely on those that usually remain less well -known.

So, the first recipe for ginger tea is “warming tea”.

To prepare it, it is necessary to pour water into enameled dishes and put it on the stove. After waiting a little while the water becomes warm, we put black tea there (2-3 hours. l.) and ginger. After the water begins to boil, add cloves (2-3 pcs.), cardamon (0.5 t. l.) and honey to taste. We are waiting for the water to boil again. Then remove from the stove and filter. After you spill the resulting ginger tea in mugs, you can add a little sugar or lemon there.

If you value its fragrance most of all in tea, then we hasten to bring to your attention another interesting recipe – ginger tea with mint.

In order to prepare it, you should take grated ginger and lay it in a kettle. After that, add mint and tea. How to choose the right tea for a ginger drink, you can find out on or lemon.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that ginger has no contraindications, which means that you can drink it with the whole family – in the morning and evening. When you just want. Pleasant tea party. And all the best. be healthy!

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