Ovsyanka – Nyamka!

Oat porridge is prepared from specially processed oats or oatmeal grains. Its cooking time can fluctuate from several minutes to a quarter of an hour and depends on the number of bran. Unfortunately, fast -cook porridge is not very useful, as they contain a small amount of fiber, and those that cook for a long time require more attention and the same time.

The benefits and harms of oatmeal have been discussed by dietetologists for a very long time.

The benefits are undeniable. Oatmeal, a traditional (and favorite) dish for breakfast not only in children, but also in adults, is useful as a source of complex carbohydrates. Cooked on water or in milk with the addition of (or without) fruits, sugar, oil, raisins, dried apricots and even bacon (among the British), oatmeal allows you to maintain a non -pivic level of blood glucose, which in turn means the lack of hunger for 4 -5 o’clock.

Oat flakes are a source of gluten, which protects the walls of the esophagus and stomach from irritation with hydrochloric acid. Therefore, oatmeal is recommended for people with high acidity of gastric juice, suffering from heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagus ulcer, stomach and duodenum.

For the large intestine, oatmeal is also useful for its ability to increase its peristalsis, activate motility. Fiber from oatmeal grains adsorines on itself unexplored products of the breakdown of protein foods (Putresycin, cadaverine), the vital functions of intestinal bacteria and removes them with feces.

Some nutritionists do not recommend eating oosteoporosis to patients, since it contains substances that prevent calcium absorption. This is true. But only in theory. With rational, balanced diet, this effect cannot develop. Calcium absorption is facilitated by other products present in the diet.

It must be remembered that the benefits of oat porridge are peremptorous. But oat diet – risk to health, even the strongest. You can not give your body to such stress. Our ancestors did not eat exclusively by one or two foods, so your body is not ready for such a test.

Eat oatmeal and be healthy!

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