Raspberry jam recipe

“He will drink a seagull with raspberries, and he will be healthy!”, – words from a children’s fairy tale that almost every child knows. Indeed, raspberries are very rich in the most diverse nutrients that our body needs so much. Raspberries contain fructose and glucose, which are perfectly absorbed, organic acids, such as apple, citric, vitamin C, A, B2, PP. In addition, raspberries contain substances that normalize blood coagulation and have an anti -sclerotic effect.

Thanks to all of the above components, raspberries are valued as one of the best products for various colds, acute respiratory infections, exacerbation of pain in radiculitis and other diseases. Tea, fruitaches of fresh raspberries are very useful. When brewing tea or decoctions, raspberry leaves are often used, which are especially rich in vitamin C.

In addition, raspberry jam is still the most delicious and beloved delicacy, which is valued not only for its healing properties, but also for the delicate berry taste of summer.

There are dozens of different recipes by which you can prepare the best raspberry jam. The most popular is a way in which fresh raspberries are rubbed with sugar. To do this, 1,2 kg of sugar will be required per 1 kg of fresh berries. Raspberries must be thoroughly tugged at sugar until it is completely dissolved, after which you can pour the resulting mixture into jars and cover with plastic covers. Store such raspberries in the refrigerator.

In addition, you can cook raspberry jam, for which 1.5 kg of sugar is taken per 1 kg of berries. Prepared berries need to be poured into a special pelvis for cooking, pour sugar and leave for a couple of hours so that raspberries give juice. After that, it is necessary to boil raspberries a little over low heat, stirring. During cooking, a pink foam will appear, which must be removed with a spoon. It is necessary to bring the jam to a boil, after which it is cooled and rolled into sterilized jars. This recipe for raspberry jam is suitable for those who like it more liquid. For someone who prefers a more thick jam, it is necessary to boil it 2 more times, each time barely bringing to a boil.

For those who have never cooked jam on their own, there are special culinary sites on which you can find not only a detailed description of the recipes, but also photos in which the recipe itself is spaced. For example, on site 1 there is excellent instruction how to cook raspberry jam.

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