The secret of the baking of the fish

For baking fish in a gas oven or on a fire, it is better to use sea fish, in which the smallest bones are the least, we buy fish 1-1.5 kg, for baking it is the best weight. We clean the fish of the husk, rip off the belly, efficiently, in the middle we clean and remove the black film, which is bitter in the ribs, which is bitter. After washing, we make deep longitudinal cuts on the fish from the head to the tail. For the preparation of the marinade, we use medium -sized lemon, black and red pepper, paprika, dill or parsley, basil, rosemary, lemon mint, medium -sized onion, it must be cut with rings. It’s all mixed up, and the marinade is ready for use.

First, squeeze the lemon juice on the surface of the fish, rub it into the pulp so that the juice falls throughout the fish. We rub the entire surface of the fish with this marinade so that the marinade must fall into the middle of the incisions made, in the middle of the belly we rub with pepper and then all the other marinade so that all places are well smeared. After this procedure, we wrap the fish in the food foil with several layers so that the juice and marinade that will boil, does not flow onto the stove during baking. We leave wrapped fish in a cool place for 60 minutes so that the marinade is absorbed into the entire pulp of fish.

The fish should be baked in its own juice. We heat the gas stove to a temperature of 180 degrees and lay the fish on the sheet, until complete preparation, you need 40 minutes without opening. We put the fish on the coals on the stake and wait 30 m. Without opening foil.

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