A few words about sushi

Sushi is currently one of the most popular dishes throughout the country. It came to us from the east and firmly fixed. Now it is impossible to find more than one city in which the Sushi delivery service was not provided, not to mention the fact that in every city there are several sushi bars or just institutions in which the presentation of this dish is practiced.

This dish is a special welded rice with a piece of fresh fish. But few people eat just sushi, most often they are popular with role. Do not confuse, these are completely different dishes, although they are very walking among themselves. Rolls are twisted from special algae sausages, which are then cut into small slices. The filling for rolls, as a rule, becomes rice and fish, but so, there are many options for various additives. It can be fresh cucumbers, special mustard, or avocado, as well as much more. Rolls are much more familiar to our visitor, and in taste, Europeans like the rolls much more.

Sushi, very quickly gained their popularity in European countries, firmly strengthened and do not give up positions. This dish is popular, considered fashionable and tasty.

However, it is worth considering the fact that a fresh, raw fish is going on for the preparation of land and rolls. Therefore, this dish should be bought only in the restaurants that are proven and responsible for the quality of their products. Such a dish can be very poisoned, or even pick up several unpleasant diseases. Therefore, before ordering, it will be better to make sure of the quality and freshness of the fish that you are going to serve.

Also, this dish is not difficult to cook at home, today special sets are sold at almost every step to prepare this dish.

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