Barbecue with bacon

Cooking time: 45 minutes

For barbecue we need:

• 16 medium -sized potatoes;

• 2 average bulbs;

• 8 slices of bacon;

• vegetable oil for frying.

Recipe for cooking kebabs:

1. We thoroughly wash the potato tubers with a brush. Pour potatoes with hot water and cook right in the uniform (without removing the peel) for about 20 minutes after boiling. Drain the water, and dry the potatoes.

2. We clean the onions of the husk, cut it into 4 parts, scald with boiling water and divide it into separate petals.

3. Cut the slices of bacon in half. Wrap with slices of bacon each potato and put on long wooden skewers, alternating with 2-3 onion petals.

4. Pour a little vegetable oil into the baking sheet and lay our barbecue. For 15 minutes, fry them until golden crust in the oven preheated to 200 °.

Advice. To give barbecue spicy taste, cut the potatoes along in half, after which we put the prunes without bones between the two halves and wrap it tightly with a strip of bacon.

Everyone, barbecue with bacon are ready. Bon appetit!

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