Choose fragrant tea as a gift

Tea may not just be a drink for every day and a very pleasant gift. The choice of a gift is often a very simple thing. I would like to please, see a smile on the face of a person who is reassigned, but to guess so difficult.

A good gift will be good Chinese tea.

A person who does not drink tea is a rarity. Among the variety of varieties, it is easy to find the one that can be ideal to taste. Therefore, such a gift will always be relevant, you can not even doubt it. Tea in gift packaging will certainly become a pleasant presentation. In addition, few quality and expensive tea can afford. But you can’t deprive yourself of such pleasure. The fact that we drink every day can hardly be called real tea. Having felt at least once in his life the whole charm of real aromatic tea, which was carefully assembled and processed, you will never confuse it again with any other. Ordinary tea in bags that they drink every day is very difficult to call real tea.

To give tea in gift packaging, it is not necessary to wait for a special occasion, the acquaintance with real tea in itself is already a triumph. The main thing is to choose the right variety.

Chinese tea is divided into four varieties, it is white, yellow, green and black. Gradation of tea depends on the degree of fermentation. Separately, you should pay attention to oolons, that is, turquoise tea. It is between red and yellow tea in quality characteristics.

If you choose tea for a person who is not very versed in the world of teas, then you should not dwell on black and white varieties, since their specific taste will not be like everyone. A non -knowledgeable person may simply not understand the characteristic notes. A great option would be Chinese tea ulun. He is able to satisfy even the most demanding gourmet to make an indelible impression.

When choosing tea as a gift, take all responsibility and proper attention to the choice. No, even the most expensive and colorful packaging, will not replace the sensations that the good tea donated with all my heart will leave.

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