Choose the correct honey

From ancient times, honey was considered one of the most useful products on our table. You can talk about its medical properties for hours, each time finding more and more arguments for the use of sweet medicine in food. But, unfortunately, taking advantage of great demand and appropriate price, dealership dealers learned to breed honey with various cheap products and, even, produce its artificial analogue.

Before buying honey, it is worth finding out its origin. That is, our task is to learn how to distinguish a “right” product from a fake.

First of all, look carefully at the jar. Light color speaks of the meadow origin of the product, saturated – based on linden colors, dark – buckwheat. Well, the sediment and divorces speak of third -party impurities.

A very important indicator is the consistency of honey. Lower the spoon into the jar and slowly lift it up. The stream should not break. In a real product, it will drain, forming a small slide on the surface. If you notice spray, then most likely there is a surrogate.

Real honey thickens quickly enough, except for a variety of acacia flowers. Therefore, a liquid product, for example, in winter – most likely fake.

Be sure to pay attention to the smell from the jar. Natural honey will smell of flowers and in summer, diluted – give out sucrose.

If you still have doubts – drop honey on a napkin. At the same time, natural goods will remain from above, and the artificial will quickly soak the paper.

Good choice!

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