Cooking cutlets

To prepare cutlets, of course, you will need minced meat. If you have a finished minced meat in the freezer or you bought it in a store, you can use it. Otherwise, the minced meat can be prepared independently. To do this, pass through a meat grinder 700 grams of beef and 300 grams of pork. Peel and pass through the meat grinder a couple of bulbs and the eighth of the dried white bread. All ingredients must be mixed, add 0.5 cups of milk there, 1 \ 4 t. tablespoons of salt, one raw egg. Mix everything well.

Prepare a plate with flour for panning cutlets. One and a half glass of flour will be enough.

From the prepared minced meat, we form cutlets. Do not make very large cutlets, otherwise they will burn outside, remaining not fried inside. Rit the cutlet from minced meat from all sides in a plate with flour. While you can put the products on any plate.

Then light a fire under a frying pan. Pour any vegetable oil into the pan. And start laying out the cutlets how much it will fit into the dishes. After 3 – 5 minutes, look at how the lower side of the first cutlet looks like, if a crust has formed on it, then it is fried. Turn the cutlet over. When both sides of the product are fried, you can remove it.

To fry the cutlet, you need from 7 to 10 minutes. To determine the degree of readiness of the dish, cut one of the cutlets. If the minced meat inside is pink, then the cutlet is not yet ready. If the cutlets began to burn outside, and inside remain raw, then you can resort to one of three methods. First option: turn off the fire, cover the pan with a lid and wait 15 minutes. During this time, the dish should reach in a hot pan. The second option: make a weaker fire, put the cutlet with the most fried side down and leave for 5 minutes. And the third option: remove the cutlets from the heat, transfer them to a plate and send them for 2 minutes to a microwave oven.

Ready cutlets can be served with any side dish: potato puree, pasta, vegetable salads and much more.

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