Cooking with the baby

In many ways, your child’s health depends on what he eats. Make sure that the power is balanced by the direct task of the parents. Often the baby refuses to eat because he is passionate about games or interrupting his appetite with something sweet. And if sweet before eating can be limited, what to do with the interest of the baby? Everything is simple. You can captivate it, for example, by connecting the preparation of the dish for dinner.

Most often, the child in the kitchen we say “don’t interfere! Do not touch!”, Thereby suppressing the root of childhood interest in the kitchen in general. Of course, this is not right and it is impossible to call this behavior wise in any way. Understand, if the baby has interest, then he should be supported. The child’s desire to help in this, in a simple business, should be encouraged and supported in every possible way. And you can do this very simple, using recipes for cooking dishes by children.

Recipes for children, as well as for parents are different, but only, of course, they are simpler. Many parents do not want to attract children to cooking due to the fact that they get sick and will pile up, but is it so difficult to clean up or wash? And is it so important in comparison with experience and skills that the baby will receive, helping you prepare lunch?

First, give the baby simple tasks. Ask him to clean boiled potatoes, eggs, or offer to wash vegetables. The simplest, but interesting dish for the baby, is the preparation of sandwiches or salad. Here you can give free rein to the imagination and allow creative talent to manifest itself. Salad can be adorned interestingly. And it doesn’t matter that the dumplings blinded by the baby are a little crooked, the main thing is that he was made by him, with great patience and not hard work, because what is easy for you is still very difficult for him.

If you correctly select culinary recipes for children, then cooking together it will be easy and very exciting. Be sure to try it. And after lunch is ready, cover together on the table and, with pleasure, have a lunch with pleasure and certainly praise your small, but the best assistant.

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