Divorce in an Egyptian family: what you need to know and the specifics

In Egypt, it is quite easy to get a divorce, a man only needs to say the word “talaq” three times. If the word is said 1-2 times, the husband can return to his wife.

In order to resume family relations, a woman must first marry another man. The second husband must also say the word “talaq” three times. After this, there is a waiting period (“iddah”) that lasts three months to make sure that the divorced woman is not pregnant. If the woman is pregnant, she stays in her ex-husband’s house until the birth, because the child belongs to the father. After the birth, the woman can return to her first husband.

Egyptian women have the right to divorce only through the court. One of the reasons for divorce is by mutual consent. Other grounds for divorce:

  • suffers from a serious chronic illness, mental disorder, venereal diseases;
  • does not provide for the family;
  • is in prison or missing;
  • physical or mental violence in the family.

IMPORTANT! In Egypt, when a marriage is dissolved, the property acquired during the marriage is not divided in half, but goes to the one in whose name the property was registered; the other party receives nothing.

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