How to choose tasty and high -quality ice cream?

So the summer came, and with him the season of hot sunny days came to our lives. And this time of the year many are saved, tasting the light coolness of ice cream. For example, ore 100% ice cream is quite tasty, harmless and refreshing. But still, how to choose ice cream so that it is not only tasty, but also of high -quality?

First of all, it is worth paying your attention to its composition. Often manufacturers can replace milk fat with cheap vegetable. For example, palm oil is approximately the fifth of the vegetable oil. Get such oil from the fruits of Pancake a Palm, grows, which in Africa. Such oil cannot be eaten, since it is technical. At the same time, local residents risk using it as a seasoning.

And so cheap substitute for natural oil is palm. It does not contain useful substances, it is difficult to get out and can be stored for a long time.

When buying ice cream, pay attention to its packaging. Rud 100% ice cream you will never find in damaged packaging, as it is stored efficiently. And this is exactly what the packaging should be.

Pay attention to storage periods and storage temperature requirements. Say, at a temperature of up to 30 degrees, ice -core can be stored no longer than 12 months.

You should also pay attention to the speed of melting of ice cream. If a lot of milk has been added to it, then it will melt it faster, and this is an evidence of low quality. Also, if the shape of the ice cream is deformed, it means that it was melted earlier than the ice cream, and then it was frozen again.

It is not difficult to choose ice cream, it is not difficult to take care of your purchases. Read carefully inscriptions on the package, monitor the expiration date, be interested in reviews.

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