Famous dishes of Ossetian cuisine

What Russian does not like to eat deliciously, especially if it comes to Caucasian cuisine? No one will refuse juicy and aromatic barbecue or fat pilaf with lamb. But not all Caucasians eat meat in tons, there is one nation whose national cuisine requires a special relationship, if only because their pies at date are the most popular dish not only there, but in Russia, and even in Europe.

National Ossetian cuisine is very simple, but at the same time original culinary recipes. The basis of all the foundations here is milk and all products that can be made of it. And sheep cheese is generally a saint of all saints. In any Ossetian family, always in the center of the table is a plate with a cheese that any housewife can do. Also, sheep cheese is added to many dishes of Ossetian cuisine, which gives them piquancy and special national flavor. For example, a dzika that is prepared from milk serum and cheese.

In general, almost all dishes of Ossetian cuisine are prepared without oil. Mistresses prefer to cook, not fry, although the most popular Ossetian pies are baked with the addition of vegetable oil today. Perhaps this is the only dish that requires frying.

The recipe for pies is quite simple and does not have any special secrets. For their preparation, thinly rolled dough and various fillings are used: juicy meat, cheese, greens, potatoes, beans. Each cake has its own name, so the pie with cheese and cabbage is called kabushajyn, a pie with meat – fydjyn, and a pie with salty sheep cheese – Walibah. Today this national dish can be bought in almost any restaurant of oriental cuisine, and the delivery of Ossetian pies can generally save you from “pleasure” to run around the city in search of a delicious and hearty dinner.

But Ossetian national cuisine is not only pies, but also various beef meat, poultry, lamb. Moreover, Ossetian meat prefer to cook directly entirely or, cutting into large pieces. Seasoned such dishes with broth or quinery sauce with garlic.

Of course, over time, Ossetian cuisine has undergone some changes, but many Ossetians sacredly honor their traditions and try to adhere to ancient recipes. Many recipes of Ossetian cuisine have long become part and our life. In Russia, almost every housewife tried to bake the pie on her own at least once in her life, and there is no need to talk about barbecue. True, the traditional Ossetian barbecue is prepared exclusively from an important lamb, and we have already remade this recipe for our taste preferences: someone pickles meat in vinegar, someone in wine, and someone in mayonnaise and ketchup.

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