Freeras for ice cream

On hot summer days, one of the most purchased goods is ice cream. This season, enterprising businessmen manage to earn not small money on the manufacture of a refreshing product. And in order to start building your own business, you must have certain knowledge. First of all, these are recipes, the specifics of the preparation of ice cream, and of course, you need to know about devices such as freezers for ice cream.

You can see different types of ice cream freezer in Novosibirsk, there are a large number of varieties. And they are classified as follows:

1. Depending on the final product manufactured:

– For soft ice cream frozen. This device differs from others in that the product richly saturates with oxygen, and thanks to this, the final mass has a more air consistency. Speaking from the point of view of economic benefit, then this device is especially profitable. A large extent of raw materials are consumed in a large extent, but more products are produced than in the manufacture of other types of ice cream. Ice Cream Frisor in Novosibirsk with the possibility of making soft, saturated with ice cream, is especially popular and in demand.

– freezers for the production of frozen solid species. Such freezers make a traditional, most familiar to the buyer a firm -type ice cream. Such a product is obtained due to the use of this device, it is placed in the containers specially designed for this, which are then placed in refrigerators, which ensures hardening the resulting product to lower temperatures. After hardening, the product is completely ready for use. Its implementation is carried out in the form of all familiar balls for a long time. In addition, which is especially valuable, this type of machine gun makes it possible to use a variety of chopped fruits in the preparation process, thus receiving ice cream with delicious natural fruit fillers. Firm fruit ice cream is an exquisite, tasty and favorite buyers with a product.

– Combined freezers and freezers for cooking cocktails. What product such freezers produce can be understood from the name itself. But you should pay your attention, first of all, to combined freezers. This type of apparatus makes it possible to produce several types of cocktails, or rather four varieties. And besides, it is possible to make an ice cream of soft species. First of all, this type of freeisers is always equipped with a special pomp with which it is possible to make soft ice cream, as well as a pasteurizer, which largely facilitates the process of servicing this, quite complicated in technical terms, the unit.

2. Option to equip and execute the device.

– Floor devices. This species has a clear difference in size. They have great performance and rich functionality. But the dimensions of this type of friezer somewhat limit the possibilities of using them in different versions.

– desktop devices. This type of device is compact. But in terms of functional capabilities, this device is somewhat inferior to the previous. It should also be separately noted that both desktop and floor freights can make all types of ice cream.

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