The benefits of light baking

If there is a desire to reduce weight, then it is logical to abandon all baking. Thus, we try to reduce the number of calories consumed. But how to do without sweets? Is it really necessary to make a choice of beauty or a favorite treat?

Baking with a photo is often found on the Internet, which greatly facilitates the possibility of cooking cakes and buns at home. But since we chose to follow the figure, so not any pastries will suit for our nutrition. There are many recipes that contain low -calorie ingredients with which you can create very tasty dishes.

The ability to cook delicious dishes is a kind of art, and baking with your own hands is a whole science. Here you need to know the exact recipes. In addition, the exclusion of ingredients with a high calorie content can make baking not tasty. Calorie sources in baking are only three: oil, eggs, sugar. But this trio makes the dish tasty and fragrant. How to refuse them and at the same time get delicious pastries? Let’s open a few secrets.

Thanks to sugar, baking is crispy, sweet and pleasant in appearance. But one cup of sugar contains 775 calories. What is the way out? You can use half a portion of sugar. You can also replace it with honey or black patho.

Oil gives baking such a stroke and juiciness. But one cup of oil contains an average of 1.700 calories. Of course, how to exit is to reduce the use of oil for cooking or choose a substitute from natural mashed potatoes.

Eggs play two important roles in baking, they are, first of all, a baking powder and connector. They give juicies, coatings, give the cream structure. One egg contains an average of 75 calories. There are several ideas to reduce the unwanted use of calories and fats. The number of eggs is reduced, and the remaining are mixed with substitutes in the form of apple puree, vinegar and soda, linen seeds, softened bananas and so on.

Now, knowing simple tips, any baking with a photo is suitable for cooking delicious homemade baking.

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