How to cook borsch

A good mistress must be able to cook deliciously. Then the children in the family will always be full and cheerful, the husband is satisfied, and friends often visit. Now many women love to cook, because now almost everyone can afford to purchase modern kitchens from the manufacturer. They are convenient and functional, and thanks to them, cooking is no longer similar to hard labor.

The most important thing in proper nutrition is every day there is soup. One of the most popular first dishes is borscht. Its aroma will immediately fill the house with comfort and warm the soul and heart. Cooking it is not as hard as it seems at first glance. To do this, you need potatoes, beets and tomato, two vegetables two pieces. Plus half of the head of cabbage,

A pair of garlic cloves, one carrot and one onion, as well as bay leaf, pepper and salt to taste.

Wash, clean and cut into strips potatoes, carrots and onions. Chop the cabbage, and clean the tomatoes from the peel, after pouring with boiling water, and cut into cubes. Throw cabbage and potatoes into boiled and salted water, let them get a little. In a pan for five minutes, fry the carrot with onions, and then add half the chopped beets there and put out for another ten minutes. Put the second half of the beet in a bowl, adding a little vinegar – let him infuse. Add tomatoes to a pan in which vegetables are stewed, salt and pepper, cover with a lid. Let them stay for another twenty minutes. After add them to the saucepan to the cabbage with potatoes, put the bay leaf and crushed garlic there. When borsch boils, remove the pan from the heat and cover with a lid. In ten minutes, add beetroot juice from the bowl there.

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