How to save products fresh

Any modern housewife knows that products are more profitable and convenient to purchase for the future. But at the same time there is a problem – how to save them fresh longer. For these purposes, special consumer containers and packaging are in stores. And at home? Or even worse, in the country where there is no refrigerator?

Let’s figure it out.

So meat. Everyone knows that it spoils very quickly than can provoke serious poisoning. Nevertheless, if it is necessary to hold it for several hours, you can wrap the piece in a damp cloth and put in the cool place in the house in a draft. Previously, it is advisable to get rid of bones. If the recipe for further use allows, grate with salt and pepper and lay in a glass jar. It’s good to master the forgotten grandmother’s recipe, place the meat in a bowl of milk so that it is completely drowned, and put it on the cold. This method ensures safety within a few days, t. To. Milk will not allow bacteria to penetrate the notch.

Sausage. Boiled varieties better eat right away. But smoked or dried can be dipped in a steep salt solution on how much and wrap a stick in a paper or cloth cloth. The main thing is not to use polyethylene. Before use, the sausage will need to be wiped.

Greenery. Everything is very simple with her. Put bundles in cold water and, along with a bow, put in a dark cabinet. They also store an early radish and even creamy. In the latter case, the water must be slightly salted.

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