The secret of the finished dough

The tests from the dough in our time are present almost daily on each table. What lunch will be hearty without fresh crisp bread? And which gourmet will evaluate breakfast without a cup of aromatic tea with sand cookies or a butter? Many housewives are always in search of their perfect test recipe. However, some found a way out of this situation and have long been used in the preparation of confectionery and baking ready -made store dough. What are its advantages?

The most important plus of the finished test is certainly saving time. Agree, not everyone has it in order to mess around in the kitchen, sifting flour several times and whipping egg protein to steep foam. Many people prefer to spend it on more pleasant things. And, for example, baking of ready -made without yeast dough usually takes no more than forty minutes. And this is taking into account the preparation of the filling and glaze, if necessary.

The finished dough is quite convenient in storage. Usually it is packed in hermetic bags, which means that it will not take up much space in your, even the smallest refrigerator. So, the remains can be packaged again and postponed until the next time when you decide to bake anything again.

It is impossible not to note the variety of types and varieties of finished dough. This is where the housewives have where to walk around for glory! And yeast, and puff, and sand, and chopped and even biscuit. And the most important thing is that in the finished test all the necessary proportions are observed, and products are always used fresh, higher grades that have undergone preliminary quality control.

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