Learning to drink water delicious!

So, you just have to insist the water on some kind of goodies! Believe it or not, but you can breathe in the water something new and without restrictions. And this is very different from ordinary water with lemon! Goodies are filled with cold water (use filtered or spring) and insisted for several hours.

That is how I managed to accustom myself to drink water, because it becomes delicious!

How to make a cold infusion.

Place herbs, vegetables or fruits in a glass jar and pour cold water. Let stand for a few hours. The smaller you cut them, the more saturated the infusion. I just do the whole procedure at night and put a jar of water in the refrigerator. In the morning I already pour into a bottle that I take with me.

You can saturate water with any amount of herbs, spices, edible colors, fruits and even vegetables! Here are some ideas:

Herbs: thyme, mint, basil, rosemary, cins, parsley

Spices: cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, clove, vanilla, sage

Flowers: rose, lavender, hibiscus, pansies, violets

Fruits: melon, tropical fruits, citrus fruits, apples, pears


Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, even carrots!

Celery and spinach

Here are 5 of my favorite combinations:

Blueberries, lemon and mint

Citrus fruits and coriander

Apple, raspberry and rosemary

Pineapple with cucumbers

Kiwi and blackberry

And a few more combinations for inspiration:

Orange, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, fragrant pepper

Vanilla, strawberries, basil

Pear and dill

Melon and basil

Lime and ginger

Blueberries, cucumber and basil

Lemon and lavender

Raspberry and rose petals

Mangoes, pineapple and mint

Apple and cinnamon

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