Spick pork cheerful

Hello, friends! Today we will tast the most domestic product, which is not only a national treasure, but also an excellent souvenir for guests of the country! I think you have already guessed that we will talk about Sale, namely, about the bacon of pig.

1. Product: Spick pork from the ridge part

2. Manufacturer: no information

3. Place of purchase: “Megamarket”, st. Getman, 6

4. Buying date: 11.08.2013

5. Product price: 29.98 UAH. / kg

6. Composition: lard (pork spick of the ridge part).

7. Food value (in 100g): proteins – 1.4 g; fats-92-110g; Carbohydrates – 0g

Since the product was bought by weight, the average of the nutritional value of the fat is given.

8. Energy value (calorie content) in 100g: from 810 to 882kcal

Such a large “run” in calories (and in fats) is due to the fact that fat from different parts of the pig can differ in value-somewhere there is a meat layer; In the abdominal part of the lard is much “heavier” and fatter…

9. Marking. There is no labeling for the same, repeatedly mentioned reason. 🙂 True, we note that the retail network sets the shelf life of the lard 2 days. Of course, nothing and no one prevents them from crossing the price tag or putting the product to the minced meat, which will be sold in cooking, but we tend to believe the seller…

10. Net mass (on the price tag): 374g

eleven. Gross mass in fact: 375g

Here we only checked the conscientiousness of the trading network… We were not deceived. True, they included a ship in weight… 🙂

12. Type and aroma. No matter how I would like this, but still we have certain comments on the product. As we already wrote in a thematic article, high -quality fat should be white with a slight pinkish tint. The shade of our “copy” is yellowish with small pink tones, which indicates far from the first freshness of the product. When they started checking whose meat they bought-pigs or boars, it turned out that it was not so simple to separate the edge of the skins from the fat, but we still succeeded. The suspicion crept in a boat, but the characteristic smell of urea even after they burned the corner, did not appear. We came to the conclusion that the fat lard was simply hardened by the age, so it was so difficult to “tear off” the skin. By the way, the thickness of the skin is only 4 mm, which fully meets the requirements! The fat itself looks pretty attractive-it is sticky and not slippery, on the cut the texture is homogeneous.

14. Taste. For tasting, we chose fat from the back of the pig, as it is generally accepted that it is the most tender. Fiber, a lot of veins, the taste clearly does not reach a fresh product! Therefore, fans of fat should still buy a product in the market where you can make sure the freshness of the fat, feel, try…

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