Moisturize the body with a birch lotion –

Everyone knows, birch juice is extremely useful for our body. However, from birch you can also make magnificent body masks. So, using birch juice, you can perfectly moisturize the skin of the whole body. As a result, I bring to your attention a recipe for making a natural cosmetic body lotion for the body.

For the preparation of the lotion, products such as:

One glass of vodka;

One teaspoon of table salt;

One tablespoon of honey;

Two glasses of birch juice;

And the lotion is prepared and applied:

I immediately note that the portion of the body prepared on this composition is enough for a whole year.

Let’s start preparing this healing lotion. Pour two glasses of birch juice into a glass jar. Then add a tablespoon of honey to the juice and mix thoroughly. Following this, add a teaspoon of sodium salt and mix everything again.

After the salt is dissolved, the resulting mixture is filtered through gauze and add one glass of vodka to it.

Everything, our lotion is ready and you can use it. To do this, we well wash our skin and lubricate it with the resulting tool (throughout the body we go through a moistened cotton swab). After that, in no case should 1-2 hours be wiped or wash. You can repeat such a procedure 3-4 times a week.

Stay always beautiful!

Another excellent means for the beauty of the body is massage. During the session, the body is filled with energy and lightness. Massage can be performed independently, and look at the massage techniques at .

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