Parpushki Potato “hostess” – recipe with a photo

Pampushki – small buns. Such pampushki are particularly popular in Western Ukraine. The recipe for potato pamphos will like Russians and Russians.

First, prepare the potatoes: clean and mine. Prepared potatoes of three on fine grater. Then we spread it on gauze and survive the juice.

To our crushed potatoes add boiled potatoes, wiped through a sieve or scroll through a meat grinder. Mix and salt the resulting mass from which we form cakes. In the center of each cake, we lay out meat minced meat. Then we connect the edges of our cake. It turns out pampushki that need to be a little flattened. Meanwhile, put water on fire, bring to a boil, salt and lower our pampushki in boiling water, which must be carefully stirred for 25-30 minutes. We take out pampushki with a slotted spoon.

It’s time to serve the dish on the table. It was here that you can sprinkle the pampules with overfected onions, bacon. In conclusion, pour the dish with sour cream or butter.

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