Oxygen cocktail at home

About how important oxygen is for the human body is known today to many. However, not everyone knows that without water and food a person is able to do for many days, but only 4-5 minutes without breathing can lead to irreversible consequences in the functioning of the central nervous system.

Nowadays, in many cities (especially large megacities) there is a lack of oxygen. Moreover, American scientists argue that over the past two centuries, the level of oxygen content in the atmosphere of our planet has significantly decreased. The lack of oxygen in various tissues, or hypoxia, is observed to one way or another in more than half of the inhabitants of large cities. So, the topic we have chosen will be especially relevant.

Corrected oxygen cocktail will help to eliminate the lack of oxygen in the body. How to make it at home, we will tell you today.

What is necessary to prepare an oxygen cocktail at home

Oxygen deficiency leads to significant cell damage in different body systems. First of all, this applies to the nervous, respiratory, as well as the cardiovascular system. Moreover, with a lack of oxygen, a person constantly experiences weakness, quickly gets tired, suffers from memory problems and sleep. In addition to all of the listed lack of such an important element, can lead to frequent headaches, a decrease in immunity and many other complications.

However, if possible, preparing an oxygen cocktail at home, you can easily and simply protect yourself and your loved ones from all of the above problems.

There are currently two ways to prepare the designated tool. The first is the purchase of equipment. This option is perfect for those who are going regularly, to the whole family to drink oxygen cocktails to maintain, vital tone and improve mood. It is best to buy an oxygen cocktail for the preparation of an oxygen cocktail in the Oxyhals online store, but on other similar sites you can also find such equipment. You can prepare an oxygen cocktail at home at a price of about two rubles (it is in such an amount, you will cost all the necessary ingredients).

In addition, you can prepare an oxygen cocktail at home at any convenient time. Agree, a good prospect.

The second option is to use an oxygen cocktail at home as necessary. To do this, you need a special kit with an oxygen spray. This option is great for those who are going to cook oxygen cocktail at home only from time to time for a short period of time. The cost of one portion of the cocktail will be in this case about 30 rubles.

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