Plum jam – Culinary recipe with photo

The recipe for this jam passes from generation to generation in every family. The taste of such a delicacy reminds of childhood, so sometimes I want to open a jar of jam into a cold winter cold. It will need to be prepared:

Plums – 2kg;

Sugar – 2kg

Cooking method:

Plums for jam need to choose ripe, but not soft, otherwise the jam may not work. The fruits need to be washed thoroughly, cut in half and remove the bones. Put the finished halves in the pots and, falling asleep with sugar, leave it overnight so that the drain of the juice.

Saw fruits to cook for 15 minutes over medium heat, then turn off the fire and let cool. This procedure is repeated three times. The last cook is extended by 10 minutes.

Banks in which you will put jam, be sure to sterilize. After filling the cans of jam, they need to be rolled up. Turn the finished jars upside down and wrap it with a blanket. Banks should stand in this state until completely cooled.

The recipe is quite simple, and the result is very pleasant and tasty.

Bon appetit!

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