Secrets of cooking soft ice cream

Today, soft ice cream, which is produced on special equipment called freezer, is very popular. In this case, special mixtures are used to obtain ice cream, which are diluted with ordinary water or low -fat milk. The technology used in freeriser allows you to get ice cream that resembles a cream in its consistency. The taste gamut of the product is very wide, but Russians prefer soft ice cream with chocolate, vanilla or caramel taste.

It is very important to choose the right dry mixture. So different manufacturers offer mixtures, each of which has its own level of fat content, from six to two percent. At the same time, the choice of dry mix with the lowest level of fatty negatively affects the quality of the final product. So, ice cream can turn out to be too liquid and tasteless or worse, with an unpleasant odor or taste. Whereas the use of a dry mixture of 6% fat will allow you to get such a popular ice cream variety among consumers as “IceDream, 225p the price of which is fully consistent with its quality.

Manufacturers of equipment for soft ice cream recommend diluting dry mixture with cold water in large quantities. But many ice cream sellers argue that the conscientious implementation of these recommendations leads to accumulation in the frequencies of the ice, from which the product itself can freeze. You can beat the mixture for ice cream with a mixer or corolla. If you beat it manually with a whisk, then the resulting mixture will be more uniform and correct in its consistency. While the use of a mixer certainly facilitates this operation, but at the same time saturates the mixture with oxygen, making its structure more loose.

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