How to decorate holiday dishes

Each mistress wants her table to make a good impression on the guests and stay in their memory for a long time. What kind of culinary feats do not have to go for this. If one of the guests is accidentally interested in the recipe for the “yummy”, then this can be considered the highest degree of recognition of the culinary talents of the hostess. But the guests will remember not only that they ate, but also how everything looked on the table. So, how to decorate holiday dishes in order to get a bunch of compliments by the end of the evening?

Decorating dishes is not at all complicated if you know a couple of secrets. Firstly, there should be appropriate tools at hand: sharp knives and scissors, ovums and adolescents, cookies for cookies and confectionery bags with nozzles.

Decorating festive dishes should be so that the main dish and its jewelry are combined with each other. It should be remembered that some dishes are beautiful on their own, and additional decor can be ruined everything. The main thing is not to get carried away and remember the measure.

Carefully consider the location of all decorative elements on the table. It is best to decorate dishes located on a plain dish so that jewelry and dishes do not compete among themselves.

In order for the dishes you decorated to look most attractive, give preference to contrasting color combinations. However, all works will be in vain if you decorate holiday dishes for neatly. When cutting individual parts for the future decoration, make sure that they have clear, even edges.

Remember that products used to decorate are often not designed to eat. In addition, do not forget that often raw foods are used for these purposes, which very quickly lose their color and attractiveness. It is best to decorate dishes with flower potatoes or beets, as well as carved sculptural forms of fresh carrots.

And how to decorate the holiday dishes that are served on the table hot? It should be remembered that all jewelry for them should be prepared in advance, t. To. If you mess with them for too long, dishes can cool down and lose part of their taste.

Options for interesting ideas for decorating salads, snacks or desserts will tell you a fantasy or recipes for chef of cooks. In any case, decorating dishes for the holiday is creative and interesting matter.

Surely guests will be satisfied, and the glory of the magnificent mistress will be fixed for you!

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