Surprise your boyfriend or how to cook borscht.

I had long dreamed of learning to cook borscht. Still, after all, a national dish. And if you add to it a fat fried to a crust with garlic, then for such a delicacy people in crowds will begin to sell souls.

Having driven into my mind the idea of ​​preparing this very love potion, I seized the entire Internet, but I did not find anything smart there. All recipes began monotonously with the phrase: find an Arctic owl in the Himalayas… Well, or something like.

Since I grew up in the yard, where older families mostly live, I decided to ask for a borch recipe for one of the grandmothers.

The grandmother of Tom (that was the name of the very lucky one who was honored to tell me this universal secret), naturally dictated to me a list of ingredients: for a 3 -liter pan: 2 and a half liters of water, chicken lower over, 3 medium potatoes, 1 medium bulb, 1 average carrots, 1 average carrot, 1 average carrot, 1 average carrot. 1 average beets, 1 triangle of tomato paste (in my case, it was a tomato paste “Chumak”), a half of small white cabbage, salt, black pepper black + small piece of fat and 2 cloves of garlic – not necessarily. If you are a girl and you decided to hit your boyfriend, then include black lace stockings in this list. So, just in case.

If you decide to cook borscht, it is better to stock up on products before reading a technology description.

So, going to the store, I returned home with the wrong enthusiasm with which I left for products. I almost messed up my beets with potatoes, stood a long queue in a supermarket, lost 5 hryvnias and on the way I had a package. Entering the kitchen, I noticed that the dishes were not washed, which is also very bad. Sighing heavily, I decided that it was better to wash it now.

The dishes shone again with cleanliness, you can start. The most boring in this business is cleaning vegetables. So in order not to waste time in vain, I decided to put water on the stove first (for incomprehensible ones: we take a 3 -liter pan, put the chicken leg there, fill it with 2.5 liters of water and put it on the stove, turn on on ordinary fire, bring to a boil). While the broth is cooked, we clean vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, beets). While I managed all this, I broke 2 nails (I cried for a very long time). Cut the potatoes with small cubes (oh, damn it, I also cut). When the broth boiled, we throw chopped potatoes into it and put it on small fire (well, I managed this without adventure).

While this something is cooked, we take out a pan from the bins, shake off dust from it, and even better – we put it on a normal fire (well, I personally were lucky – they don’t hide a frying pan from me), pour a little vegetable oil on it, we are waiting for a frying pan. It will warm up (to check it – spin on it literally one drop of water, if it quickly evaporates, then the frying pan has warmed up). But before you get a frying pan, it was necessary to finely chop the onion, grate beets and carrots.

So, pour on the onion, carrots and beets into a hot pan, cover with a lid, from time to time stir this whole rubbish. Когда лук станет золотистым (у меня он пригорел), влейте на сковородку томатную пасту, перемешайте, накройте крышкой.

Do not forget about the broth – you need to stir it too!

When what was prepared in your pan turned into a relatively homogeneous mass, pour it into the broth and mix it. It is better to soak the pan immediately, because then it will be almost unrealistic to wash it (I know by myself).

While all this is a brew gurgles over fine heat on your stove – it’s time to cut cabbage. Better thinner is that the view of your borsch did not frighten anyone (I did not take it into account, because of this my mother was afraid to go into the kitchen). Pour the cabbage into the pan, mix everything and bring to a boil. Salt and pepper to taste.

Borsch is ready! If you tried and realized that it turned out rubbish – quickly (very fast!) Drain it to the toilet! He is a decent gentleman, he will not tell anyone anything.

If you have time, try cooking borsch again. If not – for this you have black lace stockings!

I was lucky, my borsch turned out to be delicious at once. But… My manicure! He is hopelessly spoiled… But! Everything in this world is fixable! And how to fix my manicure, I will tell in my next article.

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