Sprats in oil “fish product”

Hello, Dear Blog visitors! Today we will tast the sprats in the oil brand “Fisheries”. But first, we will tell you about one change on our site and that you can make your comments on many sites individual and memorable. Our constant readers probably noticed that opposite our comments, our photograph and Olya were glowing, while on the contrary of the comments of our readers, it was often just an ugly square. So, firstly, we replaced this void with a cool picture (smiley). Now those commenting, for whom their photos are not fixed, will have such an image by default.

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1. Product: canned fish sprats in oil “Fisheries”

2. Manufacturer: Anastasi-Companion LLC LTD, Dnipropetrovsk region., G. Nikopol, st. Dovgalevskaya, 14. Produced to order: PE “Fish Product Plus” manufacturer fish product

3. Place of purchase: “Eco-market”, st. Lebedeva-Kumach, 7

4. Buying date: 25.06.2012

5. Product price: 6.29 UAH.

6. Composition: smoked fish, salt, vegetable oil.

The composition of the sprot fish product

As you can see, this product is made according to GOST and we have no complaints about the composition. Fish, salt and oil – three main and only ingredients in high -quality sprots, which we wrote about in the article about choosing sprot. True, the manufacturer did not specify exactly what vegetable oil he used (GOST on the SPPs allows the use of mustard, olive, peanut or sunflower oil). But this is already a minus marking.

7. Food value (in 100g): proteins – 17.0g; fats – 32.0g; carbohydrates – 0g; vitamins (B2 – 0.1 mg; pp – 1 mg; a – 0.14 mg)

8. Energy value (calorie content) in 100g: 279kcal

9. Marking. In addition to the fact that the manufacturer did not indicate the type of vegetable oil, the legal address of the organization was not indicated on the label, by order of which this product was produced. Only name and phone.

All other data are present and visible quite clearly, except for the probably, production date. In the production itself, most likely, outdated equipment is used, since this marking is not applied by a marker, but squeezed out by the press, which is why some numbers are difficult to useless. In addition, the manufacturer did not bother to tell us what kind of numbers are in the second row. In the fourth photo of the review (composition), we see that “the date of production is indicated on the lid in the front row”. All! What the numbers mean in the second (especially they are difficult to identify) – come up with yourself… Of course, we can assume that this is a batch number or a digital designation of a fish that is located in a bank, but still… In general, there are enough shortcomings in the marking of this product!

Date of production of fish product

10. Net mass (on packaging): 150g

eleven. Gross mass in fact: 191

12. Packaging mass: 39g

Pure product of the product 152 grams! Great!

13. Type and aroma. Open the tin. According to GOST, the oil in the bank should be transparent with light clouding. We, as we see, are not easy. The consistency of the brine is quite muddy with a yellow-brown tint.

When laying out from the bank, a lot of fish was damaged (broke), although they got it very carefully. Some fish also violated the skin, although according to GOST such fish can be up to 30%. There is about the same number of damaged.

But there are more complaints to the color. According to GOST, the color of the skin should fluctuate from golden yellow to dark golden. The color of these sprats more resembles ordinary salted fish than a braided. Judge for yourself.

The aroma of ordinary smoked fish with a pronounced smell of smoke, there are no extraneous notes.

14. Taste. Sprats are a little bitter, which, in principle, (and the GOST is also indicated) should not be. This is probably the only minus by this criterion. The fish is juicy and delicate, the consistency is not homogeneous and not reminiscent of porridge.

Well, let’s evaluate sprats in the oil “Fish Product”.

1. Marking – 5.

2. Composition (the presence of harmful and prohibited ingredients) – 10.

3. Mass compliance – 10.

4. View and aroma – 5.

5. Taste – 8.

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