The chef of the restaurant Tommy D

Tommy D is not up to us today, the restaurant is preparing for big changes. The whole team has just returned from Spain, from the legendary chef of the Spanish restaurant Fi Bulli Fernan Adria. They brought from there not only new recipes, but also a completely different attitude to food as such. Tommy D chef Anatoly Polsachev formulates it like this: “We want our restaurant to go only because it is incredibly tasty here, and not from any other considerations”.

So the new tasting menu is prepared, tested and evaluated by might and main. But, despite the turmoil, for little guests – four -year -old Timofey and Matvey – of course, they are ready to make an exception. After all, they have a great mission. They will not only participate in tasting and evaluate the miracles of high cooking at their own, special children’s taste, they will also prepare them themselves. And at the same time prove a simple thought: truly tasty food is available even to small children. Both guys are not alien to the restaurant business: Timofey is the son of Anatoly, Pan Matveya works in the Tommy D Manager.

The difference at the level of approaches is manifested immediately.

Tima, for whom the kitchen is firmly associated with his father’s important adult life, boldly runs into the room full of cooks and boiling pots, immediately grabs the knife for cleaning vegetables and begins to boldly chop the asparagus.

Matvey is more careful, he is inspected, moves away from a hot slab and looks back at his mother. However, Anatoly quickly manages to draw into the process and its. They get him a second knife, explain that it is necessary to move from the thick part of the stem to thin and cut off as thin as possible strips of the skin. And he is taken to work. While the boys enthusiastically destroy the daily supply of asparagus, I begin to talk with Anatoly.

Why did you choose Risotto with asparagus for today’s performance?

Not too “sophisticated” dish?

First of all, because it has absolutely nothing harmful to the child’s body. Even the opposite. Asparagus is an indispensable assistant in the fight against any cardiological deviations, and artichokes of the source of phosphorus and even natural ascorbic acid. Try normal four -year -old forced to eat asparagus or artichoke. Vegetables look strange, do not have a taste and in general who said that they can be thrust into their mouths? As part of my “rice porridge”, and even after my own work on it. Useful products go with a bang. And the taste of the dish is not at all sharp, just for conservative children’s taste.

Maria: recipes for small and large ones are somehow different?

Anatoly: Absolutely no. Unless I would add white wine to the “adult” risotto, but this.

The kids were tired of the fight against vegetables, and they began to explore the bowels of the kitchen, taking out the plates from the cabinets and interfering with other cooks, the dining time was approaching, and it became hot in the kitchen in a literal and figurative sense. It was time to start the next phase. Of course, we did not take a chance to allow Tim and Matvey to the stove, so we placed them at a safe distance, on boxes with mineral water so that their low growth does not interfere with observing what Anatoly is doing. And he fry the bow. Adds rice to it and only then trusts Timothy, as a more experienced one, a half with broth.

Anatoly: Learning to cook really. He, of course, is too early for him. But he already knows the simplest things: how to break the egg correctly, for which part of the pan can be taken and that if you do not look at the milk, then it will definitely run away.

Maria: And at home you and Timothy spend a lot of time at the stove?

Anatoly: We cook breakfast every day. So the secret of perfect manna porridge, he knows the nazubok. Only like a real scout, he does not tell anyone.

Meanwhile, Risotto was almost haggard, and the boys vying vain strive to try the product of their own work. Anatoly confirms that the rice is in order (“not too hard and did not boil”) and puts risotto on the dish,

Anatoly: The next stage is the decoration of mint and fresh raspberries may seem restaurant excess, but it is never too early to teach children to treat food as an aesthetic object.

However, neither Matvey nor Timothy are going to argue with this – they carefully lay out the face with a nose from the asparagus, eyes from raspberries and a smile of mint.

By this time, both small cooks and the entire film crew were already so hungry that Anatoly had to quickly prepare a few more portions of their risotto: the first boys selled for both cheeks. Full and satisfied, they assure that they will definitely try to repeat the swap feat of the house and hit in the very heart of all households. “Especially mother will be glad,” says Tim. – She thinks, I only love FRI potatoes, but it turns out that I really like the asparagus. “.

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