Vegan cheesecake with mangoes without baking.

If you adhere to the vegan diet, this is not a reason to deny yourself such favorite desserts as chocolate pudding or tartlets with berries and nuts, and today we offer you to replenish the recipes collection with another delicious dessert – a vegan chiz with mangoes. This recipe will like not only vegans and vegetarians, but also raw foodists, since not a single ingredient is undergoing heat treatment in the preparation of this cheesecake, and the cheesecake itself is prepared without baking. For the preparation of a vegan cheesecake without baking according to our recipe you will need: dates – 12 pcs. Cashew-140 Gmindal-140 Gpekan-50 CKAKAO powder-30 GSOL-Blistry-40 g (and some more to dilute the base) Mango-2 pcs. Coconut oil – 70 g -genderly, you need to soak raw cashew in water (best at night). To prepare the base of the cheesecake, it is necessary to grind the almonds in the blender, add dates, cocoa powder, salt and bakers, beat all the ingredients until smooth. Dilute the resulting mass of water until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Put the base on the bottom of the form. Cut mangoes and beat it in a blender with cashew, water and coconut oil. Put the mass on the basis from dates and take it into the freezer for 2 hours.

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