Raspberry recipes

The time comes the riot of colors and the maturation of your favorite fruits and vegetables. During this period, nature is at the peak of its flowering, which means that our task is to have time to enjoy its gifts and stock up on the necessary energy for a whole year. That is why, the peculiarity of summer kitchen is to use the whole variety of products of the long -awaited season.

Let’s pay attention to one of the most beloved berries – raspberries. It not only has excellent taste, but also very useful. Her fruits are placed on the feet of the tonsillitis and other cold ailments that suffer from problems with blood vessels. The red berry improves the composition of the blood, soothes the nerves, serves as an excellent antipyretic.

What can be made from raspberries?

Unusual cream-brown

Rinse 250 g of berries and let the water drain. Half shift to the bottom of the deep dish and sprinkle 2 t. l. Orange liquor. 150 g of low -fat sour cream mix with the same amount of yogurt. Put the mass on berries, flatten, sprinkle 6 t. l. brown sugar. Cover with a film and send in the refrigerator for 15-30 minutes. Serve, decorating the remaining raspberries and a twig of mint.

Berry toasts

Mix 150 g of washed, cut into 2-4 parts, strawberries with the same amount of raspberries. Pour 6 tbsp. l. Any jam. Cut the roll and fry on both sides without oil (you can use a toaster). Put the berry mixture on bread. Serve, adding a spoonful of whipped cream on top.

Summer dessert

Beat raspberries in a blender. Mix the same amount of yogurt with a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla sugar. Put both components in a high glass glass in layers. Decorate with a twig of mint.

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