Vegetable risotto

Vegetable risotto is a popular Italian dish that has a special exquisite taste, the satisfaction of which gives meat broth, vegetables and herbs make this wonderful dish light, airy and appetizing.

This dish will not require some rare, exotic or expensive products. In addition, preparing it does not represent any particular difficulties.


Rice groats – 400 gr.;

Carrot – 250 g.;

Green onion – 20 g.;

Onions – 50 g.

Sunflower oil – 100 g,

Meat broth – 500 grams.;

Green canned peas – 300 g.;

Parsley Greens – optional;

Black pepper – to its own taste;

Salt – to their own taste.

Cooking method:

The grille is boiled in slightly salted water until its full readiness.

The carrot is cleaned, washed and cut into small straw.

Green onion feathers are washed and shallow finely.

Onion onion is cleaned of the husk and finely cut.

Then cut onions and welded rice warms up in the jacket in sunflower oil.

Further, meat broth is added to the brazier, everything will move, and carrots, green onions fall asleep into the roasting. The dish is stewed for another 15 minutes.

After that, green peas are added to the frying dish with the prepared dish, and the dish warms up for another 10 minutes.

The vegetable risotto is ready only to sprinkle it with herbs and can be served on the table.

Bon appetit!

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