Vertuta with apples in Italian

Vertuta – a breathtaking apple dessert will become a favorite dish of your whole family, because it harmoniously combines the most delicious products – sweet apples, aromatic cinnamon and crispy dough. To prepare the turntable with apples, you will need a little patience and a little soul, and the result will justify all your expectations from the Italian dessert.

The set of products is the most common, and the taste of the finished dish is just fabulous.


* vegetable oil – 130 ml

* egg – 2 pcs: one for the dough, the second for lubrication

* wheat flour-1-2 cups

* Sugar – 6 t. spoons

* water – 120 ml

* apples – 4 pcs

* salt, cinnamon to taste

We begin to create:

1. Cooking the dough. Mix vegetable oil, egg, water and sugar in a bowl. Beat everything with a blender and salt a little. Constantly whipping the mixture, add flour sieved through a sieve.

2. The finished dough should be soft and a little sticky. Divide it into several parts, preferably by 4, but it all depends on your preferences. If you like thin dough, then you can increase the number of parts. We lay out the resulting parts on the oiled surface. Leave the dough to rest for 10-20 minutes.

3. In the meantime, we prepare the filling. My apples and clean them from the peel and seeds, cut them with thin slices and fall asleep with sugar. You can certainly grate the apples, but they are cut more juicy in the dessert.

4. We take the first part of the dough and begin to roll out a rocking rod. In this case, you need to try to pull the dough so that it becomes as thin as possible. The layer should be translucent.

5. Lay out apple filling on one edge, sprinkle a little cinnamon. We begin to carefully twist the layer, carefully make sure that the dough does not break. So we do with each part of the test. As a result, it should turn out at least 4 rolls.

6. We put the resulting rolls with a seam down on a greased baking sheet. We smear each with a whipped yolk for a rosy color and put in the oven, warmed up to 180 degrees, for 40-45 minutes.

7. Когда от волшебного аромата станет кружиться голова – достаем десерт из духовки. We are waiting for as much time as enough strength, and cut the rolls into several parts. We trigger icing sugar and serve to the table.

Your Italian Vertuta will no doubt worthy of enthusiastic praise and win the hearts of households and guests!

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