We strengthen the immunity of yogurt

Doctors argue that the state of our immune system directly depends on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Support the digestive tract and, therefore, consolidate our immunity, we can, regularly eating yogurts with alive lactobacilli.

The composition of yogurts includes valuable enzymes, minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium), vitamins A and B, lactose (milk sugar, which helps to actively develop beneficial intestinal microflora), fats and proteins. As well as live microbial components called probiotics. These microbial components are able to increase the resistance of our body with all kinds of infections, regulate the digestive organs, normalize the acid-base intestinal balance, stimulate the synthesis of folic acid and vitamins of group B, reduce blood cholesterol, and neutralize toxins.

The “living” yogurts that contain probiotics should only be stored in the refrigerator and no more than thirty days. Yogurts, which were subjected to special heat treatment, can be stored much longer, but they do not possess any therapeutic effect, although they contain trace elements and vitamins.

What cakes and cakes will taste directly depends on the cream. By the way, it also affects the appearance. I recommend buying cream for confectionery products prepared using this cream, look great and insanely tasty!

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