What materials are made of pots from

In the kitchen arsenal, every housewife should have a good pan, it is necessary for the preparation of many dishes, without which family dinner and dinner are not complete. Cavalling J A Henckels are different quality and acceptable price, they are made of high -quality materials and have the correct design, which allows you to evenly distribute heat on the dishes. You can put the dishes in the kitchen by looking at the list of furniture, where Chinese furniture from China is a catalog of furniture from Italy and even then, having installed dishes on a new kitchen furniture to find out more about it.

Today, pots are made of steel, enamel, aluminum, cast iron. When choosing a stainless steel pan, they will last a very long time, they do not require special care, do not scratch, do not be afraid of acids and alkali, in them you can store the dish in the refrigerator. Outwardly, such pots look attractive and fit well into the interior of modern cuisine. The disadvantages of such dishes include its low thermal conductivity, which leads to fucked food.

Emphased pots are considered the oldest kind of dishes, you can probably find such a pan from your grandmother. Its advantage is practicality, good thermal conductivity and ease of care. In such a pan, you can cook various sour dishes, for example, pickles or marinades. The only disadvantage of the enameled pan is its fragility, chips and cracks often appear on such utensils.

Aluminum pots are the most economical option. Such utensils are distinguished by good thermal conductivity, but they are short -lived and cook acid dishes in them and storing food for a long time is not recommended for food.

Cast iron pots are suitable for cooking dishes in oven cabinets, they carry out well and retain heat, so the dishes in them do not cool down for a long time. The only disadvantage of such dishes is its weight, a cast -iron pot of five liters along with the soup can weigh about 10 kilograms.

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