Windy benefits

Когда витамины буквально прут из земли, и на их обработку не хватает рук то помочь заготовить витаминизированные сухофрукты (а также сухоовощи, сухотравы и даже сухорыбу) помогут специальные электросушилки для фруктов и овощей. Battery and juicer are also good, but it is precisely the fruit dryer that will help preserve the maximum of vitamins and nutrients. In addition, all sorts of drying are better stored.

Selection of electric dryers is very simple business. Fundamental parameters three: size, power and material.

Dimensions are selected taking into account personal individual needs. In order to dry a bucket of apples once a year, you do not need a huge drying with five pallets. If you need to dry a lot and often, then do not limit yourself.

Drying power provides the speed of achieving the desired result. The more powerful drying, the faster it dries. True, powerful units produce a lot of noise, but in pursuit of speed you will have to come to terms with this.

Material – a more important component. Plastic is easy to care for, safe and much cheaper. Metal structures are more durable, but require troublesome care.

In an electric dryer you can dry vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, mushrooms, roots, nuts, fish and even slopped meat. Once using this kitchen assistant, he will no longer want to refuse her services. As for the manufacturer, I would like to note that domestic electric dryers are not inferior to European competitors in quality of work. Pay attention only to the direction of the hot flow. If it passes through one pallet to another, then for uniform drying of raw materials, it is necessary to periodically change the pallets in places. If the flow goes in the center, scattering over the entire height, then the drying will be uniform on its own.

Electric dryer is a great way to quickly and useful to maintain any crop.

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