Cabbage soup


I will not rewrite the ingredients again for the mearse, since only a piece of meat on the bone, or just small and fried and fried meat, or meat and mushrooms, are added to these ingredients for lean. what to taste. And all the options for these hats will turn out delicious – I assure you!

Meat cabbage soup is certainly preparing longer, as you have to cook broth for them, and a good meat broth takes time.

Cabbage soup with meat or mushroom roasting, as well as lean cabbage soup are cooked very quickly, literally in 15 minutes.

So, we begin to cook cabbage soup.

For lean cabbage soup, put the shelf of cold water on the fire.

While the water boils, we clean, my, cut potatoes with small cubes, throw it into boiling water.

While cooking potatoes until half -cooked, chop fresh cabbage and add to the potato.

My, clean, cut it small, beams, carrots and pepper – we put in a pan with vegetable oil, add salt, pepper, spices and fry – this is a frying for fasting.

In the roasting for meat, we put the finely chopped meat to be fried, and then vegetables.

You can add mushrooms to a grill for mushrooms at the same time.

Add the prepared roasting to the pan to the pan and add the lavrushka at the last moment – everything is – delicious cabbage soup are ready!!!

You can add sour cream to the meat with meat. Well, any cabbage soup will decorate fresh greens.

Well, speak out in the form of a comment, it hangs on the site for this! Success!

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