Independent decoration of cakes

Baking in the form of hearts, figures of animals or just beautiful diverse forms today is not at all uncommon. Nowadays, preparing them is quite simple, you just need to pour the dough into a suitable -looking silicone shape. But baking the cake is one thing, but decorating is a completely different matter. And, it would seem, only professional confectionery equipment will help you in such a case, but this is not so. Here are just a few tips on how to decorate your cake.

1. The easiest way is all kinds of glaze. The glaze can be used independently and in the form of a cake decoration, and combining with other methods described below. For example, as a base for sprinkling. Cakes and cupcakes, decorated with glaze, look very appetizing, and at least work – just cook the icing and distribute it evenly on the surface of the product. You can combine several types of glaze and achieve a variety of effects using toothpicks, spatulas and spoons.

2. Another is also a rather simple solution to decorate the cake – these are various sprinkles: nuts, ground cookies, cocoa and sugar powder. You can sprinkle the entire surface, or you can apply the pattern on the stencil.

3. Another idea for decoration is classic roses, stripes, stars and other forms that can be squeezed out of a culinary syringe. Why can you use ordinary oil cream. This method of decoration requires special skills, patience and a special set – a syringe with various nozzles.

4. Some stores sell small (up to two centimeters) merengi. They can be used as a decoration of cakes, place them around the perimeter or put them on the corner of the product of poured icing, combine with berries, sweets, chocolate pieces and beads. And if the texture of the cake allows you to decorate it with marshmallows.

5. A variety of sweets “M&MS ”,“ Rafaello ”and other“ pills ”from chocolate can also be used as a decoration. Scatter them in a chaotic manner or put them in the form of an ornament on top of the cream. It all depends on your imagination.

6. The straw from marmalade looks very unusual. To cook it, you need to buy an ordinary marmalade in different colors in the store. Then chop it with a knife into small crumbs. Few people immediately understand that this.

7. And, in the end, the most obvious decoration is berries and fruits. They must be beautiful, fresh and not sour. You can lay them out on the cake with ornaments, you can pour jelly, or you can put them entirely at the edges of the cake. It is better to lay out fruits on top of cream or glaze, since they are not always combined with sprinkles.

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