Cold snacks on the festive table

New Year is nearing, and housewives begin to think about how to prepare a festive table so that it is beautiful, and so that it has a lot of delicious dishes: cold and hot, sharp and sweet and, of course, drinks.

To prepare cold snacks for the festive table, you need to fully show your imagination and taste. To many dishes, you can make blanks the day before to be able to “clean feathers” by a festive evening. It can be traditional cold snacks on the festive table – salads, sandwiches, sandwichs.

Cold snacks on a festive table in the form of sandwiches can be made of fish, meat, cheese, ham … prepare not simple, but puff sandwichs: remove the crust from the loaf, cut it along long thin slices. Love with oil, put finely chopped boiled chicken fillet, cover with the second slam. Put the cheese on top, then again the breakdown with butter and ham. Make several such “floors”, press on top with a load and set to cool. Before serving on the table, cut like a puff pie. Such cold snacks on the festive table are tasty and unusual.

Salads – traditional cold snacks. Olivier salad is often served on the festive table, the recipe of which is known to all. And here is a completely simple recipe: grate smoked cheese, chop steep eggs, herbs, a few cloves of garlic, mix, add mayonnaise. Such a salad can be served separately, or you can stuff it with eggs, tomatoes, or stuffed with ham tubes, fastening them with skewers.

When preparing cold snacks on the festive table, you need to think about how to serve them. Salads can be put, for example, not in a salad bowl, but in a “shell” from a sheet of white or red cabbage: you can eat both filler and “dishes”.

Cold snacks on the festive table, especially if it is a New Year’s table, should not only be tasty, but also in an original way decorated. Each housewife has her own recipes for the New Year to decorate dishes, for example, from a steep egg you can make a “gnome”: take an egg, draw your mouth and nose with tomato paste or ketchup, make eyes from black pepper peas, and a hat from half a radishes or a tomato. Such “gnomics” can be decorated with salads.

You should not completely force the festive table with appetizers. Several large, beautifully decorated dishes, placed in the middle of the table, look more beautiful than the long rows of vases, salad bowls and villagers.

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