Drinking water – what it is

Expanding the list of his daily needs, a person sometimes forgets about the most necessary things. A day without a mobile phone or electricity can be a serious test for both ingenuing and for the nervous system. However, how it does not sound funny, very many for health, calm and beauty are not enough elementary – drinking water. Of course, we often drink during the day, it can be tea, coffee, juices, compotes, milk, cocktails, wine and other drinks. Alas, they are not able to satisfy the body’s need for drinking water. Then the question logically arises: drinking water – what it is?

Currently, there are a huge number of manufacturers of bottled drinking water, as indicated on the label. You can buy it in a store, order by phone or via the Internet. Manufacturers’ sites (for example Drink-Water) introduce potential buyers with their products, its composition, output forms and acquisition capabilities.

By definition, drinking water is considered not just clean or boiled water. Drinking water, in order to be called such, must meet certain requirements of quality and composition. By and large, drinking water is characterized by a low content of dry residue (salts), as well as the absence of harmful substances and heavy metals in its composition. Sometimes to achieve such a result, water has to be cleaned. You can not confuse the terms “drinking water” and “clean water”. Water for drinking should include a certain set of minerals and microelements, otherwise, instead of drinking water, we have distillate – harmless and useless.

Particularly increased requirement apply to the so -called “children’s” water. It should be absolutely environmentally friendly and have a balanced mineral-salt composition.

During the day, we lose a lot of fluids, and for the good functioning of our organs and the central nervous system, one cannot neglect such a “trifle” as simple drinking water.

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