Popular chicken salads

Chicken is one of the most popular ingredients of various salads. In addition to the fact that this is a natural product, it is much more benefit from it than from sausages, which many housewives continue to add to the same Olivier. It can also be noted that the chicken brings new notes to any dish, including the traditional. Taking any classic recipe, whether it be a Greek salad or ordinary from the first spring vegetables, and adding several slices of smoked breast to it, you can get a completely new taste.

It is difficult to call a product that would not be combined with chicken. It is thanks to these unique properties that it is often part of fruit salads. Try to combine pork, for example, with oranges, the taste of such a salad will be quite specific. Whereas a salad of chickens with pineapples will decorate any feast. Sheet greens, cheese, pineapples, mushrooms, celery, tomatoes, Beijing cabbage, boiled eggs and this list can continue to endlessly fit the chicken.

For example, the classic recipe for Caesar salad, which is made on the basis of shrimp, many prefer to do it with chicken. So the salad is cheaper, but no less tasty. You can cook it as follows.

Previously, the chicken breast must be disassembled on the fillet and marked in a mixture of lemon juice, chopped garlic, salt and pepper. An hour enough for the chicken to acquire a special aroma. Then the fire is baked in the oven until cooked or the grill is fried in a pan. The principle is that the bird is prepared without unnecessary oil, which is not needed in the salad for which the sauce is prepared separately. For him, olive oil, lemon juice are mixed in equal proportions, a drop of woodsher sauce, egg yolk is added to them. The singer of the sauce proposes to boil eggs in boiling water for a minute so that they have a special consistency. The sauce itself is whipped until smooth, you can also add several anchovies to it. In this salad, the highlight is precisely in the sauce, and not in the ingredients. Then the leaves of the salad are crushed with the hands, white bread is fried with cubes, tomatoes are cut into slices. The finished breast is also cut into cubes.

Tomatoes with beautiful slices are laid out around the circle of plates on salad leaves. Cryups mixed with chicken meat are spilled out with a slide, sprinkled with grated cheese, poured with sauce and decorated with herbs.

So the salads from the chicken recipe for one of which are given above, numerous and interesting. They leave a wide field for experiments and give the opportunity to delight loved ones with new dishes almost daily.

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