Simple spaghetti recipes in Italian

Long and thin pasta, called spaghetti, are very loved both in their homeland in Italy and in all parts of the world. The general name of pasta made from hard varieties of wheat – “Pasta”.

Spaghetti in Italian-a universal dish: simple, tasty, hearty. It is appropriate at the festive table, the paste is happy to eat on weekdays. The following recommendations will be useful for those who want to know how to prepare spaghetti in Italian.

This simple spaghetti recipe can be done somewhere in half an hour.

First you need to boil water in a pan. Approximate ratio of water and pasta: one liter per hundred grams of dry product. In order for the pasta do not stick together with each other, it is recommended to add a little sunflower oil to the pan with boiling water. Then carefully, without breaking the products, lower the pasta into boiling water. Covering pasta cover there is no need.

It is very important to accurately “catch” the moment when the paste is almost rewarded. In their homeland, Italians call this state “al -Dante”, which means “on the tooth”. Slightly solid pasta will reach complete readiness under the influence of hot sauce.

Paste leans on a colander, liquid is expressed. The water remaining after the pasta should not be completely poured. First of all, you can dilute the sauce for spaghetti in Italian. Secondly, water can be useful for the preparation of other goodies, such as minced meat from minced meat, which goes well with pasta. Boiled spaghetti in Italian are served hot to the table. It is customary to water them on top with various sauces.

Preparing a spaghetti sauce in Italian does not represent much difficulties. The basis of spaghetti sauce in Italian is olive oil and finely chopped garlic. The most popular sauces in Italy are based on tomatoes. For pasta, who eat with prepared minced meat, most often serves Bolognese and carbonar sauces. A special reinforcement and aroma gives the dish a slightly molten layer of grated cheese Parmesan.

Based on what is available, you can use the following recommendations to prepare spaghetti in Italian. The following set of products will be quite sufficient for the sauce: a bunch of basil, a little tomato, hard cheese, vegetable oil (better – olive), a pair of garlic cloves and yellow pepper.

First you need to cut tomatoes and pepper. Then add finely chopped garlic to the pan with heated vegetable oil. Fry the contents slightly and put chopped yellow pepper. When pieces of pepper become soft, add boiled thin pasta and tomatoes. While the mass stews, grate the cheese of solid varieties. When serving spaghetti in Italian, it is necessary to sprinkle with finely chopped cheese (preferably by parmesan).

If tomatoes are in short supply, look for a little nutmeg and black pepper. Season the boiled spaghetti butter, salt, pepper, nutmeg, sprinkle with grated cheese on top.

Bon appetit!

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