Drying of vegetables and fruits for the winter

As nutritionists say, drying of vegetables and fruits makes it possible to maintain all their beneficial properties by maximum. Our great -grandmothers also dried mushrooms, vegetables and berries on boards and baking sheets, harvesting them for the winter. Dried products are easily stored, you do not need to set up special temperatures, since they are stored at room, as well as take up little space in the cabinets.

Naturally, not all vegetables and fruits can be dried, for example, tomatoes and cucumbers are unlikely to be dried, but carrots, beets, celery or garlic are quite amenable to drying and at the same time retain their beneficial properties. Apricots, apples, pears, plums are dried from fruits, thereby receiving the well -known dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, raisins and others. Fruits and vegetables are best dried in special electric dryers.

Using modern electric dryers is very simple. To begin with, fruits, vegetables or mushrooms are cut into equal parts, then put on the pallets of the dryers and turn on the drying mode, after a while the products will be dried and ready to store. Electric dryer for vegetables and fruits, which is offered by the Ezidri site. in. – This is a simple device, which consists of pallets, built -in fans and thermostat.

The thermostat is responsible for maintaining a certain temperature and protects the products from overheating. The presence of a fan in a dryer is not necessary at all, it only affects the time of drying.

For people who harvest a little vegetables and fruits for the winter, the simplest dryer is quite suitable, which consists of one pallet and heating element. It is better to put such a device on a special stand, as it can damage the surface of the table. More advanced dryers have a special grid for products and the ability to configure a certain temperature. For those who harvest vegetables and fruits in large quantities, dryers with 3-7 pallets and a capacity of 300 to 500 watts are suitable. Some modern dryers are equipped with additional functions such as the shutdown timer, digital display and others.

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