How to cook eggplant for the winter

The time for workpieces is coming to an end. Cellars and balconies, pantries and vestibules of apartments are laid down in even rows of jars, bottles and baskets, in which they settled comfortably and are waiting for numerous vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries on the table.

A good mistress knows the better she will work in the fall, the more time for rest will be in winter. Therefore, the procurement season turns many mothers and grandmothers into a large eternal engine, moving around the kitchen and constantly putting various tasty things from the garden and from the cottage prepared contained containers. Each of them has a book that serves as an inspirer in all this process – these are culinary recipes. In addition to traditional cucumbers and tomatoes, each housewife has several recipes for cooking eggplants, which are rightfully considered a very useful and nutritious vegetable.

In general, cooking eggplant for the winter is not difficult. It is only necessary before cooking eggplant for the winter, be sure to pre -soak them in cold salt water. This procedure will remove excess bitterness from vegetables and make them softer in taste. How to cook eggplant for the winter depends on the method of heat treatment: they can be marked, fry, cook, or just pickle them. A delicious recipe called “Ten”. It is very popular because cooking eggplant for the winter in this way is very simple. Having taken the same number of tomatoes, eggplant, bulbs and peppers, filling them with entire brine and stealing them for only 40 minutes, we lay it on banks. The result is a delicious dish, which took only a couple of hours for cooking.

Another popular recipe is COTE. In this case, cook eggplant for the winter should be cut. All vegetables are first washed, then chopped, and then stew in a common pan. Also very fast and tasty. And, of course, the most beloved recipe for all southerners and guests who come to rest in their region are sauer eggplants. If you cook eggplant for the winter in this way, then you can easily do without meat. Fried potatoes combined with this dish will become a favorite treat in winter.

In general, you can cook eggplant for the winter in different ways. But certainly all salads, marinades and canned foods, which include this vegetable, will differ in a special pleasant taste. You can still freeze eggplant for the winter, but only on condition that there is no time to mess with the banks, because after defrosting they will lose in taste and become bitter. But if the blanks of eggplant are necessarily produced annually, then the hostess has probably learned to handle this vegetable. And how delicious eggplants are delicious, and the brine is prepared in the same way as for pickling mushrooms. Maybe that’s why they like pickled oils so much. In any case, no matter what version of the workpiece will be used, eggplant can rightfully be considered kings of winter blanks.

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