Flour joys

All people love delicious food, eating delicious foods, raises their mood and improves well -being, the greatest pleasure gives sweet pastries, all kinds of buns, sweet pies and cakes are able to cheer up anyone.

Of course it is necessary to understand that you should not lean too much and sweet, you can ruin the figure, because baking most of all. However, sometimes you can pamper yourself with flour tastes.

There are several recipes for sweet pastries, which is prepared without difficulty and has a minimum of calories, such baking will not hurt your figure, but of course it must be consumed in moderation.

Honey cookies, this is one of the most popular goodies that can be quickly prepared and not afraid for its calorie content, because the flour in it is the most minimum, the main ingredient, this is honey, and honey is known to be extremely good for health.

In order to prepare such honey cookies, we need three hundred grams of liquid honey, if honey is frozen, it must be heated, but not much, just bring it to a liquid state. Four tablespoons of flour, white or rye, pour into honey, is to taste. Add three tablespoons of cinnamon, a spoonful of milk and a teaspoon of butter. We knead the finished mass to a cool dough. The dough needs to be cooled a little, let it stand for half an hour in the refrigerator. Then we sculpt cookies, the mold can be made with your hands, or use for this those molds that you have.

Put the finished cookies on a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment or oiled. Bake cookies should be at one hundred and sixty degrees, no more than fifteen minutes, as soon as it became ruddy immediately necessary.

Cookies are very fragrant and sweet, such baking is well suited for tea.

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