How to cook Caesar salad

In the menu of any cafe and restaurant today you can find the Caesar salad, while each institution has its own recipe for preparing this dish and the unique production of salads Caesar is kept secret. However, to cook Caesar at home will not be difficult for you.

It is best to take the Iceberg salad for preparation, if there was no one in the store, any other salad variety is suitable. Cherry tomatoes are added depending on your taste preferences, but do not forget that they will be a great decoration of the dish.

In addition to the above two ingredients, you will need pieces of chicken and crackers. You can buy ready -made krutons (crackers) or make them yourself.

To prepare homemade cool, heat the pan well and pour oil there, add grated garlic, mix. Then put small pieces of salt and pierced chicken fillet into a pan with butter and garlic, wait for the appearance of a golden crust on the meat and immediately remove it. In the same frying pan, without changing the oil, it is necessary to fry white bread cut into small pieces.

Next, prepare a refueling for your salad, be extremely careful, because the taste of the entire Caesar depends on the quality of this dressing.

Take the juice of one lemon and mix it with two yolks of eggs, add a dessert mustard spoon and a chopped clove of garlic there. Mix everything thoroughly, and then beat with a corolla. During whipping, gradually pour half a glass of olive oil of cold press. Continue to beat until the mixture acquires the desired density.

Mix this dressing with salad leaves, lay out the fried chicken fillets and steeps on top, at the end, sprinkle the dish with grated parmesan cheese.

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