Sweet soda kills 184 thousand people for a year

Scientists call sweet carbonated drinks of a slow action poison

In recent years, sweet soda water has become a subject of research more than once. Today, only the lazy does not know about the dangers of soda primarily due to the increased content of sugar in it. Recall that a glass of sweet soda water contains 4-5 teaspoons of sugar, and such a solution is not equivalent to simply dissolved sugar in water, but poses a much more serious threat, since carbon dioxide contributes to the instant sugar of sugar into the bloodstream. In addition, sweet soda water is fraught with many other dangers.

Joint large -scale research of British and American scientists has shown that 184 thousand people die from diseases caused by sweet soda every year. Researchers analyzed the data of about 700 thousand people from 51 countries of the world for the period from 1980 to 2010. Scientists have found a direct dependence between the use of soda and the mortality of people on diseases such as diabetes, cancer and disease of the cardiovascular system.

Each year, 133 thousand people perish from the diabetes provoked by soda with diabetes; 45 thousand dies from cardiovascular diseases, and about 7 thousand people from cancer.

In addition, scientists managed to prove that sweet soda water affects the development of memory. In the brain department, which is responsible for the transition of memory from short -term to long -term, soda causes inflammatory processes and negatively affects the development of mental skills, especially in children and adolescents.

Despite all the criticality of the situation, scientists believe that even a slight decrease in the consumption of such drinks can quite beneficially affect people’s lives. British scientists, having analyzed more than 25 thousand people over 11 years, say that by removing at least one portion of soda from their daily diet, people who use these drinks will reduce the risk of diabetes by 4 times.

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