How to cook fried fish correctly

At first glance, the preparation of fried fish is the simplest process, it is enough to heat the pan with butter and unload pieces of fish into it, not forgetting to turn over. However, if you want to get a really tasty and healthy dish that will also look great, you will have to follow several important rules. This will preserve the food value of the product, emphasize its natural taste.


One of the best options for cooking is a freshly frozen fish, which should be gently defrost at room temperature or bay with cold water (each kilogram of fish requires about 2 liters of water). In no case should you force events using hot water or microwave. This approach will greatly change the taste of the product, in addition, hot water can simply cook delicate meat. To accelerate the process without harm to taste, you can use a pinch of salt for each liter of water. But this is suitable only for unrequited fish with the exception of navaga.


If you decide to buy fish for frying, most likely you will have to clean it, since the scales do not have only a small number of species. Surface mucus is easy to remove if you rub the carcass with salt and rinse in water. If you dip the fish into boiling water for a few seconds, then scales will lag behind much easier. It is also worth immediately deleting all the thorns and fins.


You can improve the taste and eliminate a specific smell in different ways, depending on the type. In flounder, it is necessary to remove the skin on its dark side, the cod should be held for an hour in a weak solution of rations either in milk or with a lemon with a lemon. To purchase an omul, an online store allows very high quality, but this river fish usually has a smell of mud and this is normal. You can eliminate it if you sprinkle pieces with a ground laurel leaf and pour warm water for an hour. After the liquid merges, but the fish should not be washed.


Immediately in front of the hot (in 10-15 minutes), it is necessary to salt the product. Small specimens are better to fry whole. Sea fish can also be sprinkled with vinegar (wine) or lemon juice. You can ignite pieces to preserve their juiciness. Put the pieces tight enough, but do not overdo it so that it does not start to steam. Fish – a sufficiently delicate product and should not be frying for a long time, so as not to dry. Using such simple tips, you can prepare the perfect dish.

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