How to eat sushi correctly

Sushi can be called an international dish for a long time. After all, they are prepared almost everywhere and in every country in different ways. However, the only true treat is made, of course, in their homeland, in Japan. Sushi Odessa can also boast. But not everyone knows how to eat sushi correctly even in Japan. There is a whole ceremony to taste this delicacy.

Serve on a large plate. Each participant in the meal gets along a small plate, sauce, and sticks on a stand. Also, everyone is served a wet towel, a tube. After using it, a towel must be turned again. You can’t touch the overall plate according to the rules of etiquette. The elbows should not be on the table, and it is allowed to take sushi with your hands exclusively to men. From a common dish, the land is shifted to a personal plate with sticks. In no case should you delve into the dish, looking for sushi to your liking. It is customary to take the upper one. Otherwise, this means disrespect for the owners of the house. Sushi are dripping into the sauce. And you also need to do it right. It is impossible for the sauce to fall into rice. Firstly, it can drown out the taste of rice, and secondly, sushi will begin to crumble. On the plate, various types of this delicacy are initially taken out, and it is allowed to initially try them all. Sushi are not bought up – they are completely put in the mouth. An exception will be a large form – “themes”.

Traditionally, one wand is wrapped around with three fingers, and the second rests on the ring and little finger. Sticks cannot be pointed to anything, clamp them in a fist or lick. This behavior means enmity regarding the owner of the house.

Switch sushi usually sake or green tea. It is impossible to pour alcoholic drinks yourself, which, in principle, is consistent with the traditions of the Slavs.

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